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Our intent is to provide a forum for developers to learn about and discuss the various components of a production quality ASP.NET application.


Posted by on Tuesday, December 20, 2011 (CST)

This is a list of the presentations from 2011.

January 25, 2011 - Design Patterns (Microsoft MVP Toi B Wright)

February 22, 2011 - Windows Phone 7 Development (Microsoft's Chris Koenig)

March 22, 2011 - Expression Blend and SketchFlow (Shane Holder and Microsoft MVP Teresa Burger)

April 26, 2011 - Introduction to MVC3 - "How I dropped ViewState and learned to love the web" (Microsoft MVP Tim Rayburn)

May 26, 2011 - Cross-Platform Development with jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap (Todd Stone)

June 28, 2011 - The Rich Standard: Getting Familiar with HTML 5
 (Todd Anglin)

July 26, 2011 - Attack of the Cloud (Tom Dupont)

August 23, 2011 - LINQ - An Average Joe's Guide (or "It's not all about SQL")  (Microsoft MPV Cory Smith)

September 27, 2011 - Ditch the Designer: Building a More Maintainable Model with the Entity Framework Code-First API (Microsoft MVP Brian Sullivan)

October 25 , 2011- Build Conference Recap (Microsoft MVP Toi B. Wright)

November 22, 2011 - The Magic of Code Generation (Joseph Baggett)

December 27, 2011 - No Meeting


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May the smile on your face Come straight from your heart
--- Anonymous

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