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Our intent is to provide a forum for developers to learn about and discuss the various components of a production quality ASP.NET application.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013 (CST) - HTML 5 and CSS 3 on Mobile Devices
speaker: Eric Sowell

6PM - 9PM
{Code Availiable}

Please bring your mobile devices!


This meeting is a code/markup/styling-heavy discussion of what you can do with Html 5 and Css 3 on mobile devices today. Bring your iPhones, Android phones, Windows Phone 8 devices, Surfaces, iPads, Android tablets et al. if you have them. Along with the code, we'll also talk a bit about what you can do to plan for devices whose browsers are not as advanced as others.



Eventbrite - Dallas ASP.Net Meeting - July 23,  2013


You can download his code from github - https://github.com/Mallioch/Presentations


Eric was the development lead on the mobile web platform (which was cool) until recently when his boss forced him to become "Manager of Web Applications." So now he speaks as much as he can before he loses all technical ability and just knows how to write Excel macros, create Powerpoint presentations and schedule meetings.

Eric Sowell develops mobile web things for Match.com. You can follow him on Twitter (@mallioch) and find out more about him at http://ericsowell.com.

Sit With Me

Here is a test to find out whether your mission in life is complete. If you're alive, it isn't.
--- Richard Bach

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